At Lake|Flato, we are engaging in many conversations both internally and with peers and outside experts about how to navigate this time of uncertainty. Throughout, our focus remains our people, their families, our clients and our communities— ensuring they are safe, healthy and supported. Because of our incredible people, and the swift work of our technology team, we have pivoted to a 100% remote organization and are continuing the great work we have always done, just as effectively and just as efficiently.
We’re staying connected and positive, enjoying the glimpses into each other’s living rooms, seeing kids, pets and work-from-home set ups. It’s an incredible privilege that our staff is able to work from home to support our clients— one we don’t take for granted. Everyone at Lake|Flato is doing our best to keep it together while staying apart, to stay positive, and to stay at home to help flatten the curve. We are rising to the occasion, knowing the outcome will be a better, stronger more cohesive organization of people by virtue of the trial we are collectively going through.