
Format: 2025-03
Format: 2025-03
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Contemporary Texas Architecture Book Celebrates Lake|Flato's Climate Considerate Homes

December 2016
“This richly illustrated collection of homes displays the work of 34 Texas architects whose buildings embrace their region and place.” E. Ashley Rooney’s Contemporary Texas Architecture documents a diverse variety of homes that are designed in thoughtful consideration of climate change, including Lake|Flato’s Hillside House, Hog Pen Creek Residence, and Mill Springs Ranch. Pick up a copy, here.

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Lake|Flato Designs Austin’s New 24 Diner at Rock Rose by ELM Restaurant Group

December 2016
The 6,000-square-foot diner will feature similar elements known to ELM Restaurant Group’s popular downtown Austin 24 Diner location but will allow for expanded bar seating. 24 Diner at Rock Rose will be located at the corner of Esperanza Crossing and Rock Rose Avenue, and will be open 24 hours a day, seven days a week, serving upscale eats. Read more, here.


Delaware Botanic Gardens at Pepper Creek Breaks Ground

December 2016

“The initial phase of the garden, when it opens in 2019, will include a colorful natural meadow designed by the internationally acclaimed Dutch plantsman Piet Oudolf, extensive plantings and pathways in and along the edge of the existing woodlands, a living outdoor wetlands classroom, and a temporary visitors center.” Lake|Flato will design a visitor center to complement several lush gardens, landscaped water features and immersive structures that connect to the landscape. Phase One is part of a 10-year, multiphase effort toward establishing a major public garden that reflects the unique coastal plains of southern Delmarva, Delaware. Read more, here.


Modern Austin asks, "Does Austin have its own vernacular?"

December 2016
Eight local architects responded and they all agree on one thing. Austin architecture may not identify with one particular vernacular, but overwhelming demonstrates a spirit of progressive creativity, cultural connectivity and ecologic sustainability. Jett Butler of FÖDA attributes some of this spirit to Lake|Flato's influence. Read more here.

COTE overhauls Top Ten Project Award: Redefines “green building"

November 2016

The AIA COTE Top Ten Awards recognize ten projects each year that exemplify the integration of design excellence and sustainable performance. For 2017, the awards will shift from a recognizing predicted performance to focusing on demonstrated post-occupancy metrics.


The overhaul was the result of a Lessons from the Leading Edge Report from April 2016. Lake|Flato’s commitment to sustainable excellence, evidenced by more Top Ten awards than any other firm, was referenced several times in the report.


See the new requirements here


David Lake on AIA COTE Jury

November 2016

David Lake, FAIA, was selected as one of five jurors for the 2017 COTE (Committee on the Environment) Top Ten Awards.  The COTE Top Ten is the industry’s best-known awards program for sustainable design excellence. 


Brandi Rickels on 2017 AIA CAE Jury for National Educational Facility Design Awards

November 2016

Brandi Rickels, RA, was selected to serve on the 2017 jury for the National Educational Facility Design Awards sponsored by the AIA Committee on Architecture for Education.  


Greg Papay on 2017 AIA Albuquerque Design Awards Jury

November 2016

Greg Papay, FAIA, will serve on the 2017 AIA Albuquerque Design Awards Jury.  This annual awards program recognizes distinguished architectural achievement by New Mexico architects and emphasizes the importance of the architect's role in shaping the quality of the built environment through design excellence.


New Marfa Modern Released and in Architectural Digest

November 2016

Marfa Modern: Artistic Interiors of the West Texas High Desert, released October 25, features 21 elegant, minimalist desert homes including Lake|Flato’s Prow Porch House.  


Archtiectural Digest featured eight of those homes.

Lake|Flato begins Visioning for Rockport Center for Performing Arts

November 2016

Rockport Center for the Arts brings together artists and art seekers in a stimulating atmosphere of learning, exhibits and idea exchange.  Rockport, Texas is one of the top 100 small art towns in America and Lake|Flato’s experience designing cutting-edge, inspiring art spaces will help Rockport Center for the Arts fulfill their mission of art education and cultural enrichment. Read more here