
Format: 2025-03
Format: 2025-03
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Blue Lake Retreat Honored with AIA Austin Design Award

May 2017

Lake|Flato's Blue Lake Retreat was honored with an AIA Austin Design Award. Jurors commented that the design resonantes harmoniously with its site and recalls the spirit of its place. “The design resonates so harmoniously with the site. The way the house perches on the hill was pretty amazing, everything from materiality to delineation of those materials the hierarchy where you have primary, secondary, tertiary elements that become an extension of the site....Being inside the Blue Lake Retreat project was as if you are floating in the trees or about to set sail over the water, and one can imagine a likeness to it but at the same time a warmth to it and a coziness to it, so the scale works real well. One of the things that we look for and strive for in our own work is to cull the spirit of a place. And I think this project does this very well." Juror David Darling, AIA

Congratulations to all projects that received an AIA Austin Design Award! See the other recipients, here.

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Lake|Flato Honored with two Texas Society of Architects Design Awards

May 2017

Lake|Flato was honored with two design awards from the Texas Society of Architects: The Midtwown Arts & Theater Center, Houston (MATCH) completed in association with Studio Red and Indian Springs School, completed in association with ArchitectureWorks. “It’s an institutional project that really tries to expand the public street into the project.” — Juror Andy Tinucci, AIA's comments about MATCH

“The school falls into the category of a standard typology that we always need to think about improving upon, and this school absolutely does that. The Indian Springs School joins students with the environment seamlessly.” —Juror Andy Tinucci, AIA's comments about Indian Springs School

Congratulations to all of our collaborators for their excellent work on these projects and congrats to other award recipients. Read more, here.

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Lake|Flato Presenting at 2017 AIA National Conference in Orlando, Florida

April 2017

Lake|Flato will be presenting and attending the 2017 annual AIA National Conference & EXPO. Please look for us at the following events:


Heather H Holdridge, Assoc. AIA, EIT, LEED AP BD+C:
(TH309) The Habits of High-performance Firms: AIA COTE Research
4/27/2017  |  4:30 PM - 6:00 PM

(FR311) Leveraging 2030 Commitment Data for Firm Performance

4/28/2017  |  3:30 PM - 4:30 PM

Learn more about these session, here.


Gus Starkey:

The Best in AIA Housing Design Awards Reception

4/28/2017 | 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM


Hillary Whites:

The Best in AIA Housing Design Awards Reception

4/28/2017 | 6:30 PM - 8:30 PM

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Lewis McNeel Presenting at Earth Day Austin

April 2017

Lake|Flato Associate, Lewis McNeel, AIA,  is presenting as part of Earth Day Austin, hosted by Huston-Tillotson University. Lewis will talk as part of a sustainability panel about our innovative Dallas retail store design for self-improvement powerhouse TreeHouse's. Learn more about this Earth Day Austin event, here.


Lake|Flato Sponsoring San Antonio Sustainable Urban Development Luncheon

April 2017

Join us at this year’s annual Sustainable Urban Development Luncheon hosted by the AIA San Antonio Committee on the Environment (COTE) and San Antonio Urban Land Institute (ULI). This year’s theme entitled Planning for Success, embraces a panel discussion focused on Implementing San Antonio’s Comprehensive Master Plan. Created in 2015, the Comprehensive Master Plan serves as a community-focused update to the city’s previous 1997 Master Plan and plans for Bexar County’s projected growth of an additional 1.1 million new residents; 500,000 new jobs; and 500,000 new dwelling units by 2040. Discussing the implementation of this Comprehensive Plan will help to prepare our community for this anticipated population and employment growth in a smart and sustainable way. The Keynote address will be given by Mitchell J. Silver, FAICP – NYC Parks Commissioner + Past President of the American Planning Association.

Join us May 17th, 2017 at The Pearl Stable | Register for the event, here.

Learn more about San Antonio's Comprehensiev Master Plan, here.

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Blue Lake Retreat Wins 2017 National AIA Housing Award

April 2017

Blue Lake Retreat has been honored with a 2017 National AIA Housing Award. Located in Marble Falls, Texas, the retreat leverages its surrounding steep topography. Designed as a vertically structured home, the residence visually connects with two uniquely juxtaposed landforms. Jurors commented that "the simple design has a comfortable flow between indoor and outdoor spaces; the two blend in one’s read of the structure." 

Read more about Blue Lake Retrat and the AIA Housing Award, here.


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Ted Flato Lecturing at AIA Charleston in April

March 2017

Ted Flato, FAIA will lecture on April 5th as part of an annual lecture series for AIA Charleston + The Clemson Architecture Center in Charleston (CAC.C). Ted will discuss the firm’s overall design mission to design buildings that enrich communities and strategies Lake|Flato uses to blend architecture seamlessly within its surrounding landscape. Find out more about the lecture here.


Alamo Beer Brewery Selected as Architizer A+ Awards Finalist

March 2017

Lake|Flato’s Alamo Beer Brewery has been selected as an Architizer A+ Awards finalist for design excellence in Architecture + Metal. The annual Architizer A+ Awards is a highly prestigious awards program with submission from over 100 countries that represent innovative design. While the Jury Award is selected by a select jury, the public chooses the Popular Choice Award by voting online. Public Voting starts March 14th and ends March 30th. Vote here to help Alamo Beer Brewery take home the Architizer A+ Popular Choice Award!

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Josey Pavilion Receives National Wood Design Award for Green Building

March 2017

Wood Works / The Wood Products Council honors projects that celebrate the beauty of building with wood. The Dixon Water Foundation Josey Pavilion received the National 2017 Wood Design Award for Green Building with Wood. See all recipients here.


Bob Harris Presenting at The Cultural Landscape Foundation Summit

March 2017

Join us at The Pearl Stable for The Cultural Landscape Foundation (TCLF) Summit on Friday, March 3,2017. Convened in concert with the Brackenridge Park Conservancy (BPC), the summit seeks to inspire community participation toward exploring options for the future of Brackenridge Park as a world-class destination celebrated by San Antonians in their everyday lives. Sustainability Partner, Bob Harris, FAIA, LEED Fellow, will present innovative ideas from Confluence Park — currently under construction — that can help San Antonio push eco-conservation in new directions. Learn more, here.