Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary
The Iain Nicolson Audubon Center at Rowe Sanctuary is a 20,000 SF facility in Central Nebraska which focuses on the education and stewardship for migrating sandhill cranes. Nestled along the Platte River, The goal of the Master Plan will be to help Rowe Sanctuary expand their environmental education programs, provide immersive trail experiences that engage visitors with the sanctuary mission, create a viewing blind experience for crane season and year-round use, and to maximize and expand the center site and building area as a hub of discovery.
Together, these elements will enhance the already spectacular experience of learning about and viewing over 600,000 cranes during their annual Central Flyway stop-over during the early spring months. New discovery stations and blinds engage wet meadows, prairies, and river to extend the year round storylines and were ergonomically designed for a premier crane viewing experience. The new Visitor Center will be a hub of discovery and launch point for site interpretation offering interpretive exhibits, classrooms, multi-purpose space, gift shop, administrative space, catering kitchen, and open air program.




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Landscape Architect: Studio Outside
Water Strategy: Biohabitats