a place to share ideas

Posted by jsmith on 2/3/14 at 4:04 pm
In November 2011 we replanted our grass yard with native plantings. This year was less about the plants and more about the new insects and animals that appeared. We had our first Red Hawk sighting (who ate one of the gold fish in the pond) our first Yellow Garden Spiders, and our first group of Hummingbirds. All of the plants continue to do well. Some of our zero maintenance favorites include Big Muhly, Monterrey Oak and Nolina Texana. See the overview of year two below.
Maximilian Sunflower, Twist Leaf Yucca
Gregg's Mistflower, Horse-Crippler Cactus
Newly created bird's nest in Mexican Plum, Big Pete before his encounter with the red hawk
First cedar berries, Mexican Buckeye changing color
Water lily, Cochineal beetles first appearance
See year one here.