a place to share ideas

Why Wouldn't Our Architecture Be This Good?
Posted by gregpapay on 7/30/13 at 5:00 pm
For those who are unaware (no one who knows me, that's for sure) our family bought a Tesla Model S about 7 months ago. It is a spectacular car, simply a better driving experience, a complete and transcendent shift in how a car operates and interacts with its clients. If you want a test drive, just ask me to lunch...however you'd better block out a few hours!
Santana Row Showroom - Packed!
Two weeks ago, my son Nicolas and I went to the first Teslive conference in Silicon Valley. This was a conference conceived and executed by the moderators at the site, with heavy help from Tesla. Identified as cattledog and cattlepup (you'll just have to accept it), we spent 3 days in the Bay Area doing a factory tour, listening to Elon Musk and others present visions for Tesla's future (I was a panelist in one of the sessions doing a 'Tesla Kucha'), riding in others' Teslas, and visiting the largest Tesla store in San Jose. It was great fun, inspirational, aspirational, invigorating.
Elon Musk's Signature on our Sun Visor
I left thinking that much of what Lake|Flato does aspires to match what Tesla has achieved - meshing beauty with performance, the intuitive with the demonstrable - only in the realm of architecture. Why wouldn't our architecture be this good?
Motor Trend Car of the Year Award - On the Bar!
For writing that's not quite that good, you're welcome to spend some time on my Tesla Ownership Experience blog:
Cattledog and Cattlepup Hamming it Up