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What does 373,390 gallons of water look like?

During the initial Sustainability Workshop for the Austin Central Library the consultant and client team visited the future library site to better understand it. On this visit the team noticed an unused water intake pump-house nearby for the now decommissioned Seaholm Electric Plant. The team has re-imagined it into a very large rainwater and condensate cistern for the Library's irrigation and sanitary conveyance needs.  Utilizing this piece of existing infrastructure will reduce cost and save the resources needed to construct a new cistern. With this vault the Library is now on track to not use a drop of potable water for flushing or irrigation and can collect some 373,000 gallons. Last week the team's dream came a step closer to reality when the City of Austin tested the vault to make sure it didn't leak and was found to be structurally sound. Thanks to the City of Austin for the surreal photos. austin-NCL-vault-02 austin-NCL-vault-03 austin-NCL-vault-04
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