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Former Interns Launch Libraries Across Africa
Posted by tennaflorian on 6/26/12 at 8:00 am
In May I was at the Gulf Coast Green Conference in Houston and ran into former intern, David Dewane and his adorable 10 month old daughter Frita (a.k.a. Fritzy - not sure on spelling). After a bit of parent/baby talk, the conversation drifted toward work. He is now at Gensler, which has supported him in helping his thesis project become a reality. He, along with his wife Rachel (also a former intern) and others, have now launched Libraries Across Africa. Check out their website.
Founded in 2010, Libraries Across Africa is a non-profit business whose mission is to empower individuals through access to information.LAA seeks to enable people by building both physical and digital customizable libraries. By providing cost effective infrastructure and information solutions, communities can address their own unique economic, educational, social, technological, and business challenges.