a place to share ideas

Posted by sierrahaight on 5/6/14 at 11:06 am
"So when Ty-Reece interviewed for the job, there was— and in some cases remains— some confusion regarding his name: was it Ty Reece or Tyreece? In the end it didn't really matter because if you say it fast enough no one will know the difference. What we did know for sure is that Ty/Reece was going to be a great fit with the office and that has proven to be true. I actually have a slogan that I use when talking about how well Ty@Reece has blended into the office culture, it goes like this - Ty.Reece! He's no Chris Krajcer...thankfully.
Ty#Reece landed on planet Otalfekal almost a year ago and has learned the language and mannerisms of this world by kicking butt and taking names on multiple projects such as Rolling Wood, Schwartz, Hollow Way, & Houston Arboretum to name a few.
Super attitude - do anything asked of him, new(ish) Dad - Tyler Kash Reece has been a cash money addition to the Lake|Flato team.
My name is Steve Raike and I approved this message!"
by Steve Raike
Hometown: Flagstaff, AZ
Years at LF: .75
Current Project: White Ranch
Favorite LF Project: Government Canyon (In school we had to build a model of a project that responded sensitively to its surroundings, and perform solar analysis – Gov Canyon was my first encounter with LF, and I was sold.)
Achilles Heel: Dark chocolate
Happiest Place: inside a wave, or on the ski slope
Memorable Book: Fox in Socks – almost have that baby memorized
Prized Possession: One 3’ tall blondie who hops all over our house, and her chubby little sister.
Current Obsession: Being a dad
Last Accomplishment: Rode through the golf course without being attacked by golfers, fwew!
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: Location! Being close to downtown
Fate or Chance: technically neither – providence would be a more accurate word for what I believe :)