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Better Know an LF'er : Steve Raike
Posted by vyuan on 11/15/12 at 12:33 pm
"Steve is my mentor in the office. I call him Papa Bear most of the time because of his warm and cuddly nature. Just don't ask if you can borrow his Chap Stick....then he gets all uncomfortable and starts to growl. Oh! and he's a great architect, too."
-Chris Krajcer
Hometown: Ottawa, Ontario
Years at LF: 8+
Current Project: Austin New Central Library
Favorite LF Project: Pappas Residence (unbuilt)
Achilles Heel: German Automobiles
Happiest Place: At one of my kids baseball games / swim meets or fishing on a quiet river
Memorable Book: Gyroscopic Horizons
Prized Possession: Architectural Models
Current Obsession: Northern Pike and Largemouth Bass
Last Accomplishment: A 1:150,000 scale model of the Death Star for Halloween - Or was it the 1:2,095,104 scale child that was wearing the actual Death Star?
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: Alamo Heights Pool
Fate or Chance? Six of One, half dozen of the Other