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Better Know an LFer: Jennifer Young
Posted by sierrahaight on 4/17/14 at 3:42 pm
"If you happen to overhear someone saying something like, 'sore-ey… but, you must have your drawings to me before too-mour-row' chances are you’ve been listening to one of our favorite resident Canadians, Jennifer Young, working her magic on one of our many (sometimes slippery) consulting engineers. Hailing originally from the great northern Provence of Newfoundland, Jennifer has now acclimated to a yearlong summer and shivers at the thought of anything below 60 degrees with a breeze. But don’t let her lack of thermal resistance fool you — she is one tough hombre… if you don’t believe that just dump your plastic in the trash bin and find out.
I love giving Jennifer a hard time but truthfully she is an indispensable member of our incredible Lake|Flato team. So don’t let the funny pronunciations thr-row yah. Jennifer young has the heart of an artist and a true passion for doing great work." - Bob Harris
Hometown: St. John's, Newfoundland
Years at LF: 8
Current Project: D'Orazio Farmhouse and Accion Texas
Favorite LF Project: Dunning Residence/ Dog Team Too/Hotel San Hose
Achilles Heel: A good bottle of red wine, a loaf of chewy sourdough and a chunk of stinky cheese
Happiest Place: By a bonfire on a pebbly beach next to the Atlantic Ocean….or, the West Texas desert - my second ocean
Memorable Book: A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Wolf…or, The Soul of a Tree by George Nakashima
Prized Possession: My jewelry tools
Current Obsession: Ryland Hays Beach
Last Accomplishment: Becoming a registered Architect!
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: That there are still so many great things to discover
Fate or Chance: Fate…for sure