a place to share ideas

Posted by sierrahaight on 9/5/13 at 11:00 am
"Awino. A name that has something to do with an umbilical cord wrapped around somebody’s neck at birth, but not at her neck… maybe it was her dad’s? It’s hard to keep all her stories straight, but I sure did enjoy listening to them while working with her over the last 8 months. I knew as soon as I started giving her random tasks that Hellen with two l’s was smart and talented enough to tackled anything that I threw her way, but what really made her a pleasure to work with was her wonderful attitude and glowing smile that we all came to love.
Oh, and since David’s on vacation I’ll go ahead and say that I’ve heard several times that he will miss her shoes. Which ones? I’m not sure. Maybe the gold sparkly ones or possibly the bright orange ones… if my memory is serving me correctly." - Tenna Florian
Hometown: Nakuru, Kenya
Years at LF: 0.64
Current Project: Josey Pavilion, Naples Botanical Garden, Big Bend Dinosaurs
Favorite LF Project: Broadford Farm and Dog Team Too Loft + Studio
Achilles Heel: Leisurely brunches and Sunday afternoon naps
Happiest Place: Quiet getaways
Memorable Book: Things Fall Apart by Chinua Achebe; Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep by Philip K Dick
Prized Possession: Priceless childhood photos
Current Obsession: Materials library and graphic design books
Last Accomplishment: Troubleshooting Revit troubles (without P. Chan!)
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: Donald Lipski's F.I.S.H. installation
Fate or Chance: Take a chance and you can change your fate