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Taco Truck in the ArtPace Courtyard
Posted by rbruce on 11/4/11 at 1:03 am
The Friday lunch at the Tacomiendo Taco Truck at Art Pace tradition continued today, but not without a peculiar twist...
The Tacomiendo was parked in the courtyard! Due to this odd location and the Metro Health official that was parked where the taco truck is usually stationed, I can't help but conclude this must be part of San Antonio's law that prohibits food trucks parked on commercial property from vending within 300 feet of a restaurant without written, notarized permission from the restaurant. The San Antonio Express News had an article recently describing all the issues mobile food vendors are having in the downtown area. Read the full article here. Mayor Julian Castro is working to changes these laws. Hopefully, it brings about more informal food options downtown that help to enliven and activate our street life.
Note, when I walked by the health inspector to take this photo, he was enjoying a delicious taco.