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Rudy's Ascent to Heaven, 2-20-2013

Rudy . . . the great Rhoudini, Rudolfo Teodoro Lago, Amigo, Ruuchi, Ruperto, was put down  2-20-13 at 5:14 pm.  He was a fine animal; Annie would say he was the more mature sibling . . . intuitive, all knowing.  Rudy had certain habits, early on it was just getting OUT . . . breaking out, either by climbing the fence, which grew from 42” to 6’ to 7’... then an invisible shocking fence which only meant he backed further away and took a running leap at the fence, climbing to the top and springing over – yelping once as the shock got him. "No dog has escaped the invisible fence, Mr. Lake, with the juice turned all the way up!!!!! we won't refund your money...".  NOT wanting the shock of coming back over the fence, Rudy caroused away longer...8 to 10 hours .. we would always be cruising the nature trail and streets calling him about 5 hours into his jail break.  Any earlier effort to corral him was without effect. He came from the nature trail and roamed the streets .. noted for nipping at joggers heels.  Yes, he has a police record.  One jogger filed a complaint – a sock was torn, no blood, the officer reported saying frankly, “not sure why she called it in, but one more incident and he has to be put down.”  Of course, the phone call was while we were in Europe, that was 9 years ago. We’ve enjoyed Rudy’s company and devotion for 16 years – he may have been two when Ellen lured him up to the front door.  We had seen him in the trail – running with a pack of dogs (one was Sister), but he also made house calls to the Rivards and a house on Morton.  He was cagey and couldn’t be corralled until Ellen got his attention with a perfect bone one day and he started being more approachable – to 8 feet.  One day we devised a plan – placing American Kraft cheese squares at 20 feet on center into the house from across the street.  I waited at the top of stairs above the front door with a broom until he warily came in and I shut the door behind him – trapped!  He just looked up and said what took you so long?  I bathed him and dirt streamed off him in the tub.  He was always calm in the tub, not trying to run away, but ready for it to be over.  Rudy especially liked the toweling off, rolling the towel out of my hands with his nose and bounding around.  Free once more. He was a kitten’s best friend – Rudy loves certain cats – Lil Friend and Cecil, but Lil Friend, Rudy was fond of most.  Letting him arch his back under Rudy’s nose and purr till Rudy would put his front leg on the cat and madly lick him, then start nipping at Lil Friend’s neck with small bites – like enjoying corn on the cob.  This was alarming to visitors as it looked as if a death snap was imminent.  Lil Friend couldn’t get enough. There were certain enemies of the house which Rudy was bound to keep away. The Postman brought a frenzied charge at the door and loud barking, a break in the boredom of the day.  Boots were especially unwelcome.  WORK BOOTS must have figured early in his  years as enemies of the state .  Rudy kept watch over our house hold – ever vigilant – corralling stray kittens back to the porch, keeping Ellen company when I was away.  He loved Ellen.  He remembered that first bone and always trailed her if he sensed an upset in her daily schedule.  He always peered into your eyes – trying to determine the next move.............. And if it was the creak of the drawer that held the leashes, he would bound with a leap straight up in the air landing on all fours.  Ready to take in the world’s offerings.  In the last two years he would madly dig at his bed..... digging to China– usually at 11:30 pm which  elicited a “Rudy!” And he would stop, look up, and settle back . . . knowing he had our attention before he rolled into sleep.  He was a fine dog – clever, curious and always ready to greet the day or chase the possum out of the back yard and back to the nature trail from where he and the possum had both come.
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