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Flake|Lato 2012
Posted by brantleyhightower on 9/19/12 at 11:16 am
So if the pool party at Greg’s house represents the unofficial beginning of summer, Flake|Lato represents its unofficial end. Flake|Lato is the annual retreat the office takes to Ted’s family ranch located at the headwaters of the Nueces River 120 miles west of San Antonio. The ranch provides an idyllic location for employees to gather with their families to enjoy one another’s company while eating, drinking and frolicking in the clear, cool spring-fed water.
The tradition of the office shutting down on a Friday in early September and heading out to the ranch is nearly as old as the office itself. While early Flake|Lato events were smaller and tended to contain more hard liquor and nudity, the weekend has matured and mellowed along with firm’s partners. Today the weekend is defined as much by the kids and grandkids running around as it is by any form of debauchery. It does, however, now include the ceremonial and somewhat bizzare cooking of a goat.
Whether fishing, kayaking or napping on open screen porches or exploring the string of pools and limestone cliffs that exist on the ranch, the weekend serves as a reminder of the importance of maintaining a direct connection to the natural environment. While this connection to the landscape is something we try and do in our architecture, it is also something we try to do in our individual daily lives. The weekend is also where we take our annual “dam” photo. Imagery form this photo appears throughout our office and website and speaks to the culture of our firm. It also documents the growth of the firm over time and the proclivity of its employees to reproduce.