
Format: 2025-03
Format: 2025-03
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Andrew Herdeg, FAIA is Afternoon Keynote at Facades Plus

October 2016
Partner Andrew Herdeg is giving the afternoon keynote at Facades Plus Dallas, the premier conference on high-performance building enclosures. Andrew will emphasize the meaningful and lasting relationships between building users and the natural environment. He will discuss strategies such as extroverting circulation and program spaces, maximizing daylight to shape unique experiences, framing views that capture specific features of a site and blending architecture and the land to create meaningful, lasting impressions upon those who utilize and experience buildings. Learn more, here.


Hog Pen Creek Residence in the AIA Austin Homes Tour - Oct 15th & 16th

October 2016
The 2016 AIA Housing Award-winning Hog Pen Creek Residence in Austin, Texas is part of the 2016 AIA Austin Homes Tour. October 15th & 16th from 10AM - 6PM, the house will be open for visitors to tour and ask questions about the design. Now is your chance to see the acclaimed Austin lake house that celebrates the unique confluence of Hog Pen Creek and Lake Austin. Find out where to purchase your tickets, here.


Lake|Flato Partner Bob Harris Recognized in Elite Group of “Dual Fellow” Architects

October 2016

Bob Harris, FAIA, LEED Fellow is among 30 of an elite group of recipients of the dual Fellowship Architects Award by having obtained both AIA Fellows and LEED Fellow status. The American Institute of Architects (AIA) Fellowship (FAIA) program elevates those architects who have made a significant contribution to architecture and society and who have achieved a standard of excellence in the profession. For The United States Green Building Council (USGBC®), the honor of LEED® Fellow designates the most exceptional professionals in the green building industry, and is the most prestigious designation awarded by Green Business Certification Inc. (GBCI®) — the premier organization that independently recognizes excellence in green performance and practice. LEED Fellows are LEED Accredited Professionals who have acquired significant technical knowledge and skills. They have been recognized for their outstanding work as LEED professionals and for the significance of their impact on the green building community at large. Learn more about this newly recognized elite designation, here.

Inside, Meets Outside in Garden Design Magazine

October 2016

Ted Flato talked to Garden Design Magazine about designing garden-centric homes. “The separation of architecture and landscape makes no sense,” says Ted. The illustrious 16-page spread includes a variety of Lake|Flato houses with partnering landscapes in various geographical locales. Also included is “Ted’s Tips” — rules of thumb to direct more enjoyable homescapes. His biggest piece of advice? “Spend your energy on landscaping spaces you’ll enjoy as much as possible.”


Indian Springs School Receives AIA Education Facility Design Award

October 2016

Indian Springs School, founded near Birmingham, AL, was honored with a 2016 Education Facility Design Award by the AIA Committee on Architecture for Education. Juror comments noted that Indian Springs School “is a different type of campus planning, where the buildings and landscape define each other. It is a beautifully sited, culturally and architecturally sensitive addition to the campus.” Watch a video about the school, here.


Visit Hog Pen Creek Residence During 2016 AIA Austin Homes Tour

October 2016

The 2016 AIA Housing Award Winning Hog Pen Creek Residence in Austin, Texas is part of the 2016 AIA Austin Homes Tour. October 15th & 16th from 10AM - 6PM, the house will be open for visitors to tour and ask questions about the design. Now is your chance to see the acclaimed Austin lake house that celebrates the unique confluence of Hog Pen Creek and Lake Austin. Find out where to purchase your tickets, here.


Indian Springs in Fast Company: The Best New Schools Don’t Look Like Schools At All

September 2016

Fast Company reports that trends in school design are representing a new construction ideology that uses architecture to keep schools safe yet physically open to their surroundings, rather than mundane and monotonous institutions symptomatic of only perceived safety. Indian Spring School is commended as one of such schools. Its design makes the most of 350 acres of woodland that surround the campus . Explore more innovations in school design.

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Blue Lake Retreat Featured in Austin Home Magazine

September 2016

"Treading lightly on the land, the vertical, three-story home designed by award-winning architecture firm Lake|Flato rises up from the site’s steep topography, hovering above the treetops to absorb 180-degree views of the sparkling lake beyond. Typical of Lake|Flato’s work, the house remains rooted in its place, responding to the natural environment and blending flawlessly into the landscape." See Blue Lake Retreat in Austin Homes Magazine


Architects Advocate: Lake|Flato Advocates for Action on Climate Change

September 2016

As architects dedicated to healthy and livable communities, and guided by scientific consensus and reason, Lake|Flato advocates for action on Climate Change. We are excited to announce our participation in Architects Advocate, an online initiative and public outreach campaign that gives voice towards action on climate change – an important issue that affects healthy and liveable communities and cities. As leaders in sustainable design, we recognize that climate change has yielded dramatic, potentially irreversible changes to our communities. The core of the Architects Advocate effort is the belief that a healthy environment is a civil right and that as architects and designers, we need to publically advocate for action on climate change by sharing our knowledge and designing livable communities. For more information and to join Architects Advocate for Action on Climate Change, read here.


Texas Society of Architects Awards Confluence Park Pavilion

September 2016

Designed by Lake|Flato + Matsys Design, Confluence Park received a 2016 Studio Award from the Texas Society of Architects. The Studio Awards recognizes unbuilt projects demonstrating innovation and excellence in design. With education as its core purpose, Confluence will serve as an intricate teaching tool that will inspire the San Antonio community to become more involved with the San Antonio River and practice sustainable habits while gaining a greater understanding of Texas ecotypes. Read more, here.