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Starting in the Summer, Two New Interns Brave the Heat
Posted by caseynelson on 8/6/14 at 9:33 am
Moving to San Antonio in July seems a daunting prospect to even the most heat resistant of souls. However, this mild summer has brought with it two fresh new interns who are ready to brave the South Texas summer.
Josh Leger, an Arizona State University graduate is joining us to work on Ishawooa Mesa Ranch. After becoming a state medalist in high school track and field, Josh has earned his BSD in Architecture and BS in Sustainability. Josh also enjoys snowboarding and playing/ watching basketball… you are a Spurs fan now aren’t you Josh?
Jeanette Penniman made the trek south from Connecticut where she is mid-way through her Masters of Architecture at Yale. Jeanette loves running, dark chocolate, and cooking very spicy delicious foods. You can also count on Jeannette to be prepared for anything (picnics, zip ties, Philips head screws) with her trusty pocket knife. Her favorite Lake | Flato project is the Pearl Brewery (breakfast tamales at the farmers market anyone?)
Thanks for joining us in San Antonio!