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Better Know an LF'er: Philip Chan
Posted by hillarywhites on 8/5/14 at 10:41 am
As our very first BIM Manager, Philip joined Lake|Flato with a huge task ahead of him. We watched in awe as work share monitor became an icon we actually clicked on, families “flexed” and models linked. Phil re calibrated our expectation of how a building model could perform. Working with a strong headed, opinionated and often impatient group, Philip successfully played a key role in allowing individual projects to run smoothly while pushing forward with big picture BIM goals.
It’s hard to remember how we navigated revit without his skills and we are already missing him. We hope Seattle treats you and your girls wonderful! And by the way, is that new door family ready?
-Erica Goranson
Hometown: Hong Kong
Years at LF: 3 years
Favorite LF Project: Hog Pen residence
Achilles Heel: Hard to say no to any Revit challenge in the office
Happiest Place: Hong Kong in the 80’s
Memorable Book: Yes, it has to be this one “Lake Flato Houses - Embracing the Landscape”
Prized Possession: My babies and my Revit families
Current Obsession: Still obsess with Revit and Dynamo plugin
Last Accomplishment: Being a national speaker at the Revit Technology Conference in Chicago
Favorite Thing about San Antonio: All the LF'ers
Fate or Chance: I think it was fate that brought me here in the first place