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Travel Stories: Mexico City Day 1.0 Grupo Habita
Posted by davidericsson on 9/19/12 at 10:30 am
A group of 6 LF'ers (Mindy, Laura, Corey, Sam P, Vicki and myself) recently ventured down to Mexico City to enjoy the food, culture and the architecture. These are our stories in a four-part mini series.
We arrived in Mexico City to our home away from home, the recently completed Downtown Hotel + Downtown Beds - Grupo Habita’s newest addition to their hotel brand. Known for creating cool, modern atmospheres that are uniquely catered to their context, The Downtown Hotel + Beds acts as Grupo Habita’s lens to view the Centro Historico.
Once the Palace of the Counts of Miravalle, built in the 17th century, the Hotel is organized among three courts- the central court with its 100 year old laurel trees, the side court with large green wall, and the back court-which acts as the center to Habita’s hostel, Downtown Beds. Within the hotel, there is a lot of programmatic variation, which is seen most clearly in these dynamic courtyards- The restaurants are situated at the base of the courtyard, shops are a level above accessed by mezzanines, the hotel is located on the third level, and the pool and lounge occupy the roof.
The material palette at Downtown Hotel + Hostel is minimal- The existing stone masonry is complemented by stone floors of different coursings/patterns, and clay vent block is used for new walls, lavatory sinks, bunk bed frames, etc… The inventiveness of using few materials, but in different applications, helps provide interest without overpowering the existing stone building.
If you ever find yourself in Mexico City this is a fantastic place to stay...
Next: Day 2 Diego Rivera and Frida Kahlo Studios