Soto Building
The 6-story mixed use development, with its mass timber structural system, will be the first of its kind in Texas and focuses on sustainability-minded building practices and materials. The first phase of an 8.5-acre mixed-use area, the new building includes ground floor commercial retail, office space and below grade parking organized around an open courtyard. A two story porch wraps one corner and offers views along one of the City’s main thoroughfares. The primary design direction was to provide a unique and beautiful workplace that appeals to tenants, is highly flexible, and incorporates technologies that make the building operationally efficient and sustainable. The Soto, Spanish for a grove of trees or small forest, represents the building’s material origin and its location a stone’s throw from the San Antonio River.






Architect of Record: BOKA Powell
Photography: Dror Baldinger, Erica Brown, Travis Barker